What’s No Longer Serving You?

What’s No Longer Serving You?

I injured my back over a year ago and while I was recovering, I dialed down the intensity of my workouts. I needed that habit for awhile. It helped me heal. It’s now outlived its usefulness and I need a new set of habits. The same is true at work. Habits outlive their...
What are Your Steadfast Personal Work Truths?

What are Your Steadfast Personal Work Truths?

How do you set yourself up to thrive at work? What do you need in your environment, your schedule and your relationships to be at your best? Sometimes these needs or conditions float just beneath our conscious awareness … only vaguely recognized when we bump into...
Is Your Mulling Creating Misery?

Is Your Mulling Creating Misery?

I like to mull and noodle on things. Sometimes this tips into creating misery for others. Maybe you have your own flavor of mulling. Maybe you wait for a fully baked plan before you communicate with your team. Maybe you’re sitting on something because you’re waiting...