Seizing Coachable Moments

Seizing Coachable Moments

Seizing Coachable Moments I like to think of myself as a good listener. Someone who is not stepping on the end of your sentence so I can share my hero idea. A moment of great coaching helped me  – compassionately but clearly – see a gap between this aspirational...
Nudges…Dusting off those Operating Agreements

Nudges…Dusting off those Operating Agreements

What’s that operating agreement, competency or habit your team committed to in a recent off-site but got lost in the deluge of day-to-day meetings, slack and emails? How do you dust off your shared commitment to “listening to understand” or “effective feedback” and...
Jerks at Work

Jerks at Work

There are jerks at work … people with patterns of gaslighting, stealing credit, being passive aggressive and worse (resources here and here for those situations). But then there is jerk-at-work-behavior. This differentiation helps me pause when I encounter a zinger...
The Manager Myth

The Manager Myth

I’ve been guilty of attempting to cajole or nudge a manager into their people leadership responsibilities by underplaying the energy, effort and time required. In the face of a seasoned thought leader (also a team leader!) who was exasperated by the idea of regular...
The Team Reset

The Team Reset

There’s a common thread I see across teams right now. The desire to reset. Redefine.  Reconnect, reflect on where we’ve been, what’s served us and what hasn’t. Teams are interrogating old norms and ways of working. We’re sifting through habits and practices, much like...