We can’t change what we can’t see. Sometimes I invoke that phrase to urge colleagues to say the difficult thing – to tell a peer or a boss what they might be missing. I’m all for the clear-is-kind, direct approach. AND… I’m also all for the responsibility a leader has to be a curious learner, to meet their team more than halfway by going looking for what they might not otherwise see or feel. Yes, we need to tell each other what’s not working in our culture. And, leaders need to be active explorers, seeking information and experiences that widen their lens on what the culture might feel like to teammates.

To shift into scout mindset and explore your own culture, you might invite a colleague or team to join you in getting curious about culture signals.

How much do we see…

Compliance OR judgement and discernment?
Do we need a rule for everything and hide behind the cover of “well, I followed the procedure” or do we make nuanced choices about the best path forward in this specific situation?

Silent head nods OR productive disagreement?
Do we hear crickets or do we hear people raising alternative perspectives and concerns about a proposed idea in service of the best idea leaving the room?

Blame OR reflection and ownership?
When things don’t go as planned, do we hear about the person/team/conditions that are at fault or do we also hear “I statements” that reflect each of our parts in how we get here?

Loud nonverbals OR conversation?
Do we see people on phones, disengaged, pushed away from the table, meaningful glances at work best friends or do we hear conversation across the group with every voice engaged?

Hoarding OR sharing?
Do people keep information, ideas and relationships to themselves or do those get shared broadly and proactively?

A leader or a team could build out or refine this list. The key is naming observable behaviors that are culture signals and agreeing to get curious in the spirit of learning. What kind of behaviors do we want to enable? What kind of behaviors would signal we’re not in a space where people can authentically contribute their expertise and co-create?

If you’re the person noticing the signals that your leader can’t see maybe it’s time to help them shift into explorer mode. We can’t change what we can’t see but that doesn’t remove our responsibility for seeking new information and multiple perspectives.

Three recommendations from me this week
This podcast episode, this newsletter is on my regular reading list for insights on culture and these brownie stuffed chocolate chip cookies are on my must bake list…a treat I plan to try this weekend.

Get exploring!